

Title of my animation:
Mysteries Of Inspector Frank, it is named after the main character in the animation, the dog Frank.

It will be an animation which lasts for no less than two minutes and will be animated mostly frame by frame. The animation will be viewed online on platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo etc. and later could maybe feature on TV.

Genre/Style and Technique:
The genre of my animation will be mostly comedy as i do not want it to be taken too seriously and get boring. Some of my influences include other popular animations such as Scooby Doo, The Simpsons and Shaun The Sheep. All of these animations have influenced either my visuals or sound design. I will be making all of my animation using the Adobe Creative Suite, mainly focusing on Illustrator, Photoshop and Premiere.

Target Audience:

Mysteries Of Inspector Frank (MOIF) will be aimed at both boys and girls aged from 1-16 year olds who enjoy cartoons similar to Scooby Doo ,as my animation is a similar style to Scooby Doo. The plotline of each episode is there is a different mystery for Frank to solve each episode. I think this idea suits my target audience as they will be able to get familiar with Frank without getting bored because the mystery will be different every episode, especially younger children as they have a shorter attention span so the change will keep them entertained and watching.

Frank is sitting watching TV when he is called to dinner by his owners. He then exits the lounge and proceeds to the kitchen. The next scene is Frank in front of his dinner, when it cuts to the radio playing and it is a news report about a bank robbery in town. It the turns night and cuts to frank sleeping, he wakes up and sneaks out to his secret lair, the dog kennel. He logs on to his computer to find CCTV footage of his arch enemy Carl The Kitten robbing the bank. Frank immediately goes to the crime scene to investigate...

Legal/Ethical Issues:
I should not have any issues to do with copyright as i have made all the assets myself and all of the sounds i have included are either made by myself, or royalty free and credit will be given so it should all be okay. I have decided to rate my animation PG, for parental guidance, as there are some concepts that could require parental guidance such as bank robberies. But apart from that there is no blood, swearing or sexual references in the animation so it fits under the rating PG. Furthermore, there are no offensive or law breaking acts in my animation so it shouldn't break any laws or cause any offence towards anyone. The only voice actor i have in my animation is myself so i don't need to get permission from any other extra voice actors.

Voice Over Ideas:
I think the only voice over i will have in my animation is myself and it will be like shaun the sheep, only making noises not actual speech.

Current trends in animation:
I have gone for a mystery theme animation because they are quite popular in the world now, Scooby Doo is classic example. However, there are more ones aAnother animation i have taken visual inspiration from is The Simpsons because it has always been a worldwide popular animation ever since it first got aired.  Lots of animations nowadays have a "soft" look to them without any big black outlines, so this is the style i have gone for with my character and animation.



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